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February 06, 2007 - 15:22

I know, I know, I know, I haven�t updated in about forever but there is a damn good reason for this. I�ve been having a hell of a lot of fun!

I am, as always, very busy at work but my free time has been wonderful lately and I don�t seem to have the time to do things such as updating online diaries � unforgivable, I know. Anyway, before I go any further I�ll give a brief update on what has been happening:-

D and I have booked ourselves onto a cruise ship that departs in May and we�ll be away for two weeks sightseeing around Scandinavia and the Baltic regions. Jason and Suzie were seriously considering joining us but instead they will look after the cats at home while we are away. Instead of cruising with us they will be flying out to St Lucia in the Caribbean at the end of June.

At home the four of us have become reacquainted with some of our D/s routines (although I�m not sure that �routine� is the right word because there is absolutely nothing routine about our activities) and I have consequently re-found my passion for spanking a girl�s bottom. Any girl, I�m not fussy. But due to a current shortage in female bums to wallop, I�m making do with D�s and Suzie�s. Sometimes you just have to �make do� I suppose.

One darkish cloud that threatened to cast uncertainty amongst us was that we came face-to-face with someone who we thought we�d seen the back of and her name is Jackie. I won�t go into that long and nasty tale again because enough has been said about that witch in some previous entries of mine. Suffice to say that Jason and Suzie found it no trouble at all to stand up to her and, frankly, even make her almost crap herself. Serves her right.

At work I am in �headless chicken� mode for much of the time but that�s fine because being busy is the way I like it. We are changing finance computer programs and I�m trying to keep up with all the new developments but I can�t slow down because the new system is �live� from next month. God, that�ll be fun.

And now for the real reason I am writing this entry�..

For a little while I am going to find it difficult to update this journal as frequently as I would really like and so there will be longish gaps between entries for the next couple of months or so. My entries have been scarce enough during the LAST couple of months so I suppose another couple won�t make a lot of difference but I�ve become USED to telling the world about what is happening to me and my friends!

So please forgive my enforced absence but I promise I�ll be popping in from time to time to let everyone know that I�m still alive.

Love and cuddles to everyone. Please try not to miss me too much!

PS. *Blowing a kiss to 'secret slave'!* I've noticed you pop into my diary every now and then - thank you! xxx

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